Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Search Engines and that Old Time Religion

Many have probably already read about this latest from the pampered class. I have to stress, as I have before, that such nonsense is not "conspiratorial," its the mere expected outcome when you send a bunch of middle class ungrateful and spoiled kids to college and they eventually "grow up" enough to have influence in public schools, universities, journalism, entertainment, and media in general. Leftism and all its dogmatic coercion is the lazy man's way to self-respect. Stupid kids with power now running our free society and hoping desperately to drive it into the dust heap of history. For what? So they can say they're "rebels." -- Pleeeease...


On a similar note. I recently came across another one of those "reasons" for buying a book by Noam Chomsky. Something to the effect that the reader wanted to be aware of a "wide range of different views." It's not like I haven't heard that one before.

Few people randomly pick up a book of boring rants by Noam Chomsky who merely want to widen their understanding of the world. Most of Chomsky's transcribed interviews or speeches (which is what most of his "books" really are) provide absolutely nothing that one isn't exposed to regularly by school systems, colleges, and the media. The intellectual wannabes of AP, Reuters, CNN, the BBC, CBS, ABC, The New York Times, most of Hollywood, etc., etc. pretty much promote the same views as Chomsky. "Reading Chomsky" (buying his books) is the intellectual equivalent of wearing a Che Guevara T-shirt. It's a paddle in the "I hate America" table tennis game.

The old excuse of buying Noam's Tomes because one wants to be exposed to a wide range of views is a total crock, first and foremost because those who do read Chomsky notably don't read views contrary to the cultist sage of anti-Americanism.

I wish I would, at least once, hear an honest reply as to why people buy this popular polemic in intellectual elitism:

A. They had to because it was required reading in a college course in 15th century literature...and "feminist studies."

B. They hate the United States and the free market and want to appear intelligent for supporting the (leftist) statist position of characters like Fidel Castro and Noam Chomsky.

People who seek out a "wide range of viewpoints" do just that. People who don't want a wide range of viewpoints merely read Chomsky, Michael Moore, and Howard Zinn (to name a few) and then continue their fantasy that they are somehow rebels -- before stocking up on some new CD's for their music collection (courtesy of Capitalism and free society).

Wanna be a real rebel, start with The Anti Chomsky Reader.

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